What is Splankna?

Splankna Therapy offers a Christian protocol for Energy Psychology developed from an integration of several treatment techniques including Thought Field Therapy, E.M.D.R. (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and spiritual warfare.

It provides a straightforward, mechanistic treatment procedure for alleviating a wide range of psychological and physical symptoms through both a Healing Protocol and a Creative Protocol.  It attempts to address symptoms comprehensively; attending to the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the problem and its solution while attending carefully to issues of spiritual boundaries.

The subconscious mind has all of one's life experiences catalogued like a computer hard-drive.  The emotions felt during painful life experiences are stored physiologically in the body like electrical charges.  Psychological symptoms are rooted in past traumas and the coping strategies we build around them.  Current experiences “trigger” those old emotions and we overact.

The body is capable of releasing these stored emotional charges so that the “fuel” behind a symptom is no longer present.  By releasing these negative stored emotions, emotional healing can occur and the body can operate at peak performance, complementing the physical benefits of personal training.

Since the subconscious mind has all of a person’s life experiences catalogued, a practitioner can use muscle testing to ascertain the root emotions that are fueling a particular symptom.  These emotions are then released through a simple combination of touch and thought.  Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?  God has answered countless prayers through this tool and it’s my privilege to be a part of it.

I have personally experienced emotional healing through Splankna Therapy in my own life.  So much so that I decided I wanted to be able to offer this invaluable tool to my personal training clients.  While my personal training instruction can help my clients reach physical health goals, I firmly believe Splankna Therapy, through God’s healing power, is a key to achieving optimal physical, emotional and spiritual healing and wholeness.  

If you’d like to schedule a session, please call or text me at 602-770-0539. You’ll be glad you did!